Instagram: @blankwhitecards
*Remove a Card*
If you encounter a card that you believe should be taken out of circulation
please send us a message with an explanation and a link to the card.
In the interest of freedom, we typically don't censor cards manually.
The rating algorithm should suppress inherently bad cards.
However, if the card does explicitly infringe on the rights of individual persons or entities,
we are reasonable and will review reports on a case-by-case basis.
*International Versions*
The game is hosted from a server in Australia, with a de-facto language
of English. We may add global decks or servers in other countries and for
languages other than English in the future. In the meantime please
feel welcome to use the custom rooms for non-English games.
Saving and loading cards is currently in beta and only fully supported on desktop.
This allows you to keep and re-use your prized card collections. Decks can be viewed
offline by opening the file and edited for future games.