Blank White Cards has no rules...
Apart from any illegal or malicious content and actions being prohibited. This includes text, links, images, and anything else related to the game. You are encouraged to report violations in-game by using the ⋮ menu, or via email, and we reserve the right to remove content at our discretion.
Follow the guidelines below for the best experience and read our Terms of Serivce for more information.
When playing please:
- Be safe and mindful, you are responsible for your own actions!
- '★' the good cards in the global deck so they appear more often
When creating cards:
- Beware that anything you submit becomes public, even in custom rooms
- Be original and inclusive; avoid in-jokes
Also feel welcome to share and use content from the game. If you do, give credit to the author and share a screenshot/permalink. Please get in contact if you have any questions or wanna collab!